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AHS Paranormal research

Once AHS Paranormal Research is contacted, a friendly team member will respond in a timely manner and go through the interview process to begin the investigation. The interview will consist of questions necessary for the investigation to be successful. The information needed will be the clients name and address, number of people in the home or place to where the activity is taking place, who has had the experience, the frequency and type of activity that is happening. 

After the interview has been done, an investigation will be scheduled at the convenience of the client and the team. Your investigation will be strictly professional, confidential, and scientific. The investigation will be conducted in your home or place to where the activity is being reported. Once the investigation has been scheduled. AHS Paranormal will begin to research the facility, past owners or residences of the property, and any history affiliated with the property. Information will be taken from public records, news articles, your local municipality and other available resources. This information can help with the investigation and could be key to any possible paranormal activity. 

The day of the investigation, AHS Paranormal Research will come to the facility in which the activity is occurring and set up the equipment that will be used to record any activity that may take place during the investigation. During the set up and the investigation process AHS Paranormal will take every precaution to minimize any intrusion to you and or your property. Also, AHS Paranormal will treat your home, property, or facility like it were our own. From the moment our team arrives respect, privacy, and consideration will be our main concern. 

Upon completion of our investigation, AHS Paranormal Research will completely breakdown and clean up all of our equipment and materials that were used during the process. This will be done in a timely and professional fashion and leave everything as it was. Over the next few days, AHS Paranormal Research will thoroughly review any and all information that was taken during the investigation and review the research material that was taken from resources before the investigation. Once plausible and solid evidence has been collected, AHS Paranormal will contact the client to reveal this information to you. AHS Paranormal Research will make copies per DVD, CD, USB Drive, SD Card or documentation with this evidence which is free to the client for your records. During the reveal to the client. AHS Paranormal Research will review everything found with you in depth and a comprehensive manner. This will all be included in the copies provided to the client at the end of the reveal.

At this time, if it is determined that your investigation is unresolved and/or you need further assistance AHS Paranormal Research will make recommendations to you and assist you further if needed. Your case will only be closed once you are fully satisfied and feel comfortable in your home or facility. This is not your last contact with AHS Paranormal Research, at any time you have questions or need further assistance we are always available to you or your loved ones. We want everyone to be safe and feel safe and that is our main goal for doing what we do and we will make sure that this is done.

© 2016 by AHS Paranormal Research  

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